Changes to Policy 6056 Control of Clubroot Disease in Canola
Please be aware that the Lamont County Agriculture Service Board has amended and approved updates to Policy 6056: Control of Clubroot Disease in Canola.
The policy has designated thresholds for disease presence of Clubroot in Canola. If over 10% of the pulled plants exhibit symptoms of clubroot, a Notice will be delivered from the Alberta Agricultural Pest Act; if under 10% of the pulled plants exhibit symptoms of clubroot, the landowner will receive a Lamont County Pest Notification.
The revised policy states:
5. With a positive test and a total infestation below 10% of pulled plants, a “Lamont County Pest Notification” will be delivered to the producer with the following restrictions.
The policy has designated thresholds for disease presence of Clubroot in Canola. If over 10% of the pulled plants exhibit symptoms of clubroot, a Notice will be delivered from the Alberta Agricultural Pest Act; if under 10% of the pulled plants exhibit symptoms of clubroot, the landowner will receive a Lamont County Pest Notification.
The revised policy states:
5. With a positive test and a total infestation below 10% of pulled plants, a “Lamont County Pest Notification” will be delivered to the producer with the following restrictions.
a. A Clubroot Management Plan will be developed with the producer and Lamont County. The Clubroot Management Plan will have the following requirements
i. Landowner/producer shall not plant canola, mustard, or cole crops for two years following the year of issuance (1 in 3-year rotation)
ii. Non-resistant varieties shall not be planted for the following three years
iii. Clubroot inspection map with positive and negative survey results will be made available via hard copy, website, or upon request once the map is developed.
iii. Clubroot inspection map with positive and negative survey results will be made available via hard copy, website, or upon request once the map is developed.
iv. As a proactive measure, only a clubroot resistant variety of canola shall be grown on the adjacent lands of the sanctioned portion of field within the quarter section;
v. Sanitation procedures should be created as per the Alberta Clubroot Management Plan when leaving a land infected with Clubroot
v. Sanitation procedures should be created as per the Alberta Clubroot Management Plan when leaving a land infected with Clubroot
1. Step 1 – Remove as much soil as possible from the machine by scraping or knocking off the larger clumps of soil and using compressed air to remove dust and plant debris
2. Step 2 – remove any residual contaminated soil with a pressure washer or steaming unit using a 5% bleach solution
2. Step 2 – remove any residual contaminated soil with a pressure washer or steaming unit using a 5% bleach solution
b. If the Clubroot Management Plan is deviated from in subsequent years as determined by field inspections and clubroot is verified again, a legal notice in accordance with the Provincial Agricultural Pest Act shall be issued.
For any questions about Policy 6056 or about Clubroot in Lamont County, contact the Agricultural Services Department at, or 780-895-2585.