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Clubroot and Crop Health Update Seminar

Clubroot is becoming more prevalent throughout Alberta and Lamont County is no exception. Pest management of disease, weeds and insects is vital to the overall health of the crop. Healthy seeds are essential to the establishment and vigour of your crop. Join the discussion at this seminar to help prepare for planting in 2016.

Lamont County and Galloway Construction Group Ltd. Present:

Clubroot and Crop Health Update

Date: Tuesday March 22, 2016
Time: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Location: Chipman Drop-In Centre

Lunch provided by Galloway Construction Group Ltd.


• Dr. Sheau-Fang Hwang, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry – “Clubroot Research Update”
• Dr. David Feindel, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry – “Pest Surveillance”
• Galloway Construction Group Ltd., “Equipment Sanitation Options for Disease Control”
• Shelley Barkley, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry – “Insect Update and Forecast”
• BioVision Seed Labs, Sherwood Park, “Seed Testing 101: What do your results mean?”

Lunch is provided therefore pre-registration is required for this event.

Registration deadline is Tuesday March 15, 2016.

To register please contact Bonnie Chudyk @ (780) 895-2585 or bonnie.c@lamontcounty.ca.
