Combined Assessment & Tax Notices Mailed
NOTICE - The 2021 combined Assessment and Tax Notices were mailed on May 25, and are due on June 30, 2021.
Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, Section 311(2), all assessed persons are deemed to have received their assessment notices as a result of this advertisement.
If you would like to make a formal complaint about your assessment, the deadline date is within 60 days of the Notice of Assessment indicated on your Combined Assessment and Property Tax Notice.
If there is an error in your assessment, assessors are able to make changes without the need to file a formal complaint. The assessor can be reached at 780-417-6840 or email:
If you have any questions regarding your property taxes, please contact the Tax Clerk at 780-895-2233 ext. 214.or email
Pursuant to the Municipal Government Act, Section 311(2), all assessed persons are deemed to have received their assessment notices as a result of this advertisement.
If you would like to make a formal complaint about your assessment, the deadline date is within 60 days of the Notice of Assessment indicated on your Combined Assessment and Property Tax Notice.
If there is an error in your assessment, assessors are able to make changes without the need to file a formal complaint. The assessor can be reached at 780-417-6840 or email:
If you have any questions regarding your property taxes, please contact the Tax Clerk at 780-895-2233 ext. 214.or email