NEWS RELEASE – Lamont County and The Alberta Midland Rail Terminal Celebrate Its Expansion
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Lamont County and The Alberta Midland Rail Terminal Celebrate Its Expansion
December 21, 2021 – LAMONT, AB: In addition to hitting a significant milestone, the Canadian Northern Railway (CNR) has opened its expanded Midland Rail Terminal in Lamont County. On Wednesday, December 15, Lamont County staff, the Reeve and other stakeholders attended a ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the 125th year for CNR and expansion at the Alberta Midland Railway Terminal Ltd. (AMRT).
Lamont County Reeve, David Diduck and Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville MLA, Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk participated in the ribbon cutting with AMRT employees.
The terminal has been operational since 2017, providing industry customers in the region that ship LPG, petroleum products and plastics, among other rail services. The AMRT supports Canadian Pacific (CP) and Canadian National (CN) railways.
AMRT is located alongside CN’s Prairie North Line—which follow the original Canadian Northern Railway main line between Dauphin and Edmonton.
Expansion supports nine new tracks that connect with the CP rail north of the existing site and can accommodate up to 950 rail cars for CP and CN.
“I look forward to our continued partnerships with the rail services and the AMRT in Lamont County,” said Lamont County Reeve, David Diduck. “Access to rail gives tremendous opportunities for industry in the region.”
Lamont County is committed to supporting Alberta’s Industrial Heartland and looks forward to continued relations with AMRT.
[Photos Attached – enclosure]
Media inquiries can be directed to:
Jay Zaal
Communications Coordinator
780-895-2233 Ext. 222
Photo #1 Lamont County Reeve Attends Ribbon Cutting for Midland Railway Terminal Expansion in Lamont County Pictured L-R: an AMRT representative, Fort Saskatchewan-Vegreville MLA. Jackie Armstrong-Homeniuk and Lamont County Reeve, David Diduck.
Photo #2 Lamont County Reeve Attends Ribbon Cutting for Midland Railway Terminal Expansion and 125th Anniversary of the 1st Train from Gladstone to Dauphin, MB at Alberta Midland Railway Terminal in Lamont County.
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