Lamont County Appoints New Fire Chief
Chief Zayonce brings a wealth of experience to the position, having served in various capacities in the fire service over the past 28 years. He has served as Fire Chief with the town of Wainwright, Regional Fire Chief for Beaver County and its successor the Beaver Emergency Services Commission, and is currently Regional Fire Services Coordinator for Camrose County. He has also served as Director of Disaster Services and Director of Emergency Management, and has been an instructor at Lakeland College Emergency Training Centre.
Chief Zayonce’s extensive training background includes the Fire Service Leadership Program from Dalhousie University, a Bachelor of Public Safety Administration from the Justice Institute of British Columbia, numerous NFPA Fire Fighter and Trainer courses and United States National Fire Academy courses, ICS 400, and ICS 300 Train the Trainer courses. Chief Zayonce is also currently engaged in a Master’s of Science in Public Safety (specializing in Emergency Management) through Capella University in Minneapolis, Minnesota with completion expected in the fall of 2017.
Chief Zayonce currently lives in and is Mayor of Viking, Alberta, and he is planning to move to Lamont County.
Lamont County council is looking forward to working with Chief Zayonce to further enhance the Regional Fire Service Model built for the County and the towns of Bruderheim, Lamont and Mundare and the villages of Andrew and Chipman.