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NEWS RELEASE – Two Lamont County Emergency Services Chiefs Recognized for 20-year Membership

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Two Lamont County Emergency Services Chiefs Recognized for 20-year Membership

July 7, 2023 – LAMONT, AB: Lamont County had two members who achieved 20 years as members of the AFCA (Alberta Fire Chiefs Association). They were celebrated at the annual AFCA conference in the Edmonton Expo Centre on May 28.

Charles (Charlie) Gargus and Allan (Al) Lenkewich, joined the AFCA in 1999 and have been members ever since. They have found great value in attending AFCA conferences over the years and in bringing back this information to the department members.

Al joined Lamont County Emergency Services (LCES) in 1990 and worked his way up from fire fighter to Captain, and maintained this position until he relinquished and returned to the floor. Charlie joined (LCES) in 1985 and worked his way to Assistant Deputy Chief.

“Al is a wealth of information and is always willing to help whether it is mentoring another member or fundraising. He can be found in the kitchen cooking up a storm or at the BBQ with a flipper in his hand,” said Mundare District Chief District Chief, Glenda Dales. “Charlie is our public relations guy at emergency services fundraiser events.”

Both gentlemen have more than 30 years’ experience with Lamont County Emergency Services and the Mundare Fire Station.

“As Chief Officers, both Deputy Chief Kelly and I are extremely proud of our members being recognized by the Alberta Fire Chiefs Association,” said Lamont County’s Regional Fire Chief, Bo Moore. “This is a well-deserved honour, the dedication to our service does not go unnoticed at the local level, and is now rightfully being recognized at the Provincial level!”

Congratulations to our fire staff for this great achievement! 



Media inquiries can be directed to:

Jay Zaal,                                                                                                        
Communications Coordinator (Lamont County)                                
780-895-2233 Ext. 222                                                                             
jay.z@lamontcounty.ca | www.lamontcounty.ca/news                   


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