The purpose of the program is to provide outreach support to families and individuals that are at risk due to isolation and/or socio-economic barriers.
FCSS Coordinators provide direct assistance and coaching in the areas of parenting and life skills as well as assist individuals to access community services and connect with others to form meaningful relationships.
Referrals can be made by professionals or individuals can self-refer by contacting FCSS Lamont County Region.
FCSS Lamont County Region is looking for community members to Volunteer in our Lawn Elves program to help seniors and those unable, with their lawn care. Please contact FCSS at 780-895-2233 Ext. 226, Toll Free 1-877-895-2233 Ext. 226 or
Please open your heart and lend a hand.
Residents who have a condition or disability preventing them from participating in lawn maintenance activities, and who have no other capable members residing in their home to assist, are eligible to apply for this service.
The Snow Angels Program is a volunteer program where individuals, organizations, businesses, classrooms, families, or groups of youth can commit to removing snow from the driveway and entrance way of a community resident in need, throughout the winter season.
Interested volunteers can contact FCSS at 780-895-2233 ext. 226, and be matched with a resident(s) in need of snow clearing in their neighborhood. The volunteer is committed to the same resident throughout the campaign but may assist more than one person if desired.
Residents who have a condition or disability preventing them from participating in snow clearing activities, and who have no other capable members residing in their home to assist, are eligible to apply for this service.
A strong and supportive community ensures residents are connected. FCSS identifies the first step to connecting people is ensuring there are ongoing opportunities to explore what’s available in Lamont County and how to connect.
Each Fall FCSS organizes these special nights to encourage local groups and organizations to come together to promote and advertise services and supports available. The events are free of charge for attendees and are great places to bring the family to explore and receive information about all Lamont County has to offer.
Events are hosted annually in the Town of Lamont, Town of Bruderheim, Town of Mundare and the Village of Andrew.
What makes Lamont County such a vibrant community is largely thanks to our community members who take a vested interest in building, supporting, and enhancing services and support to our residents.
Supporting local volunteers is an essential part of the FCSS mandate.
Our goal is to connect local residents with volunteer opportunities and provide support to local volunteers to feel a sense of belonging in their community. Every April, FCSS Lamont County Region recognises local volunteers during National Volunteer Week with special celebrations.
These celebrations take place in the Town of Lamont, Town of Bruderheim, Town of Mundare and the Village of Andrew.
FCSS Lamont County Region is proud to provide support to individuals to complete income tax returns free of charge.
This service is available ongoing to seniors and County residents who are unable to complete their taxes due to disability or income barriers.
This service is provided by locally supported FCSS volunteers and in partnership with the Canadian Volunteer Income Tax Program facilitated by Revenue Canada.
The purpose of the program is to provide outreach support to families and individuals that are at risk due to isolation and/or socio-economic barriers.
FCSS Coordinators provide direct assistance and coaching in the areas of parenting and life skills as well as assist individuals to access community services and connect with others to form meaningful relationships.
Referrals can be made by professionals or individuals can self-refer by contacting FCSS Lamont County Region.