Agricultural Links & Resources
The following links and downloadable resources are provided to aid producers in finding information that best helps them with their operations, by understanding government regulations and environmental best practices and connecting them to farming and livestock resources:
Alberta Farmer Express
Serving Canada’s second-largest agricultural province, Alberta Farmer Express is widely recognised as the place where Alberta farmers and ranchers find out what’s happening in agriculture, whether it’s on local farms or on farms around the world.
Alberta Addiction and Mental Health - Help Line: 1-877-303-2642 or Dial 811
One in 5 Canadians, including Albertans, will experience a mental illness in their lifetime and the remaining four will be affected by the mental health issues of a loved one.
Canadian Mental Health Association
As the nationwide leader and champion for mental health, CMHA facilitates access to the resources people require to maintain and improve mental health and community integration, build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.
The Do More Agriculture Foundation
Do More Ag is a not-for-profit organization focusing on mental health in agriculture across Canada.
The Support Network - 24 hour Distress Lines (Northern Alberta): 1-800 232-7288; (Greater Edmonton Area): 780-482-HELP (4357)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides information, research, technology, policies and programs for security of the food system, health of the environment and innovation for growth. Visit this website for economic and market information and programs.
Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation (inc. Forestry)
A vast amount of information, research, and news pertaining to Alberta and its agriculture is supplied on this Roping the Web website.
- Alberta Plant Health Lab (APHL) Fact Sheet - the APHL is part of the Plant and Bee Health Surveillance Section of Alberta Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Economic Development (AFRED). The lab provides plant pest diagnosis and expertise to the agricultural industry, supporting stakeholders in compliance with Alberta's Agricultural Pests Act. APHL Submission Form.
- Notifiable disease guidelines | - the notifiable disease management guidelines are developed by the Alberta government with input and advice from medical officers of health, public health nurses, public health inspectors, laboratories, and medical infectious disease specialists.
Producers Fuel Tax Exemption - Eligible Alberta producers can receive a nine-cent-per-litre provincial fuel tax exemption on the purchase of dyed gasoline and diesel.They’re also fully exempt from tax on propane and aviation fuel.Learn more and find out if you’re eligible:
Alberta Environment
Alberta Environment is dedicated to protecting and enhancing Alberta’s natural environment. Here you will find information on programs, legislation, reports, and more regarding Alberta’s environment and information on the latest news and management of Alberta’s natural resources. Alberta Parks, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation
Alberta Invasive Species Council
Information on invasive plants in Alberta is available on this website, along with methods of controlling them.
- Squeal on Pigs! (Wild Boar reporting)
Alberta Insect Pest Monitoring Network
Insect Pests can cause significant economic losses. Track insect populations and find Insect Forecast Maps to help plan your management on your farm.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
This agency is dedicated to safeguarding food, animals and plants, which enhances the health and well-being of Canada’s people, environment and economy. On this website, you will find information on food, plants, pests, animals, and diseases.
Farmers' Advocate Office
The Farmer's Advocate Office (FAO) was established by the Ministry of Agriculture in 1973 as a resource for Alberta farmers and ranchers. The FAO works to ensure that the rights and interests of rural Albertans are recognised, understood, and protected.
Facebook: @farmersadvocatealberta Twitter: @fao_alberta
Lamont County Agricultural Services Important Information for Landowners
This handy guide for Lamont County residents will help to identify noxious and prohibited weeds in the county, while outlining landowner responsibilities for weed control, and ATV user responsibility in helping to control clubroot.
Alberta Barley Commission
Alberta Barley is a farmer-directed, not-for-profit organization representing Alberta’s barley farmers. Alberta Barley collects a mandatory, but refundable, check-off and reinvests it to grow the barley industry—and its profitability.
Alberta Canola Producers Commission
The mandate of the Commission is to increase the long term profitability of Alberta canola growers through research, promotional activities, consumer and producer education programs, and policy development.
Alberta Wheat Commission
The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) is a provincial grower organization operating under the auspices of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act (MAPA) and funded by a mandatory/refundable service charge that is used to support the organization’s strategic priorities.
Association of Alberta Agricultural Fieldmen
A useful website that provides information, news, and events on Alberta’s agriculture, Agricultural Service Boards, and Agricultural Fieldmen.
Putting preventive measures in place to keep animals healthy has been a long-standing and successful practice on Canadian farms. These measures form a biosecurity plan. A biosecurity plan should address how you manage animal, vehicle and human access on the farm; animal health; and operations.
By following the principles below and working with a veterinarian you can play a significant role in keeping your animals and your industry as healthy as possible.
Biosecurity and livestock – Overview |
- Assess the Risks on Your Farm - Biosecurity Checklist -
This checklist will help you to identify areas of potential risk on your farm. The approach will be different on each farm and not all questions are equal in terms of the risks they address.
After completing this checklist you will have a better understanding of your "at risk" areas. These can be discussed with an animal health expert. Together you can then develop or modify an existing biosecurity plan that addresses the risks that are particular to your farm.
Canadian Forage & Grassland Association (CFGA) - Grazing Plan Guide and Template
Habitat biodiversity resources:
- Grazing Resources.
- Why and How to Generate a Grazing Plan (PDF from the CFGA).
Crop Decision Making Tools
On the Alberta Agriculture website, under the decision making tools tab, there are multiple calculators that range from cereal seeding calculators to crop return calculators and even livestock feed calculators.
Farmer Pesticide Training Certificate Course
The Farmer Pesticide Certification course is a tool intended to help farmers to reduce risks associated with pesticide use. This course is recommended under the Alberta Environmental Farm Plan, but is also mandatory for farmers who wish to use restricted pesticides that require certification.
Alberta Beef Producers
Alberta Beef Producers is a strong, clear, and representative voice speaking and working on behalf of cattle and beef producers in Alberta and contributing to a vigorous and profitable beef industry.
Canadian Cattle Identification Agency
The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) is a non-profit, industry led organization established to promote and protect animal health and food safety concerns in the Canadian cattle herd. Forms, regulations, news, procedure guidelines, and more.
Livestock Identification Services Ltd.
Livestock Identification Services Ltd. is known for providing inspection services to livestock producers in Alberta.
Ag Plastics Fact Sheet
This fact sheet contains information on agricultural plastics, and explains what products can be recycled, proper handling and packing of this material, and the hazards of using burning as a method of disposal.
Alberta Aquatic Invasive Species Pocket Guide
Black Knot Fact Sheet
This fact sheet created by Toso Bozic, formerly a Woodlot Extension Specialist, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry and now with ATTS Group, provides information on Black Knot removal, control and prevention.
- Avoid Mistakes with Black Knot (a tip sheet from Toso Bozic).
Cows and Fish
The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society, more commonly known as ‘Cows and Fish’ strives to foster a better understanding of how improvements in grazing and other management of riparian areas can enhance landscape health and productivity, for the benefit of landowners, agricultural producers, communities and others who use and value riparian areas.
Trees and Drought Tip Sheet
This fact sheet created by Toso Bozic, a specialist with ATTS Group on forestry and trees. This sheet provides information on watering for trees impacted by drought.
Spring Tree Care Tip Sheet
This fact sheet created by Toso Bozic, a specialist with ATTS Group on forestry and trees. This sheet provides information on preparing trees for spring care.
Tree Watering (Fall and Winter) Tip Sheet
This fact sheet created by Toso Bozic, a specialist with ATTS Group on forestry and trees. This sheet provides information on watering for trees in the fall and preparing for winter.
- List of Cold Hardy Prairie Trees
- Prairie Tested Trees (
Fall Needle Drop:
Planting Caliper Trees:
Minimizing Winter Damage to Evergreen Trees
This fact sheet created by Toso Bozic, a specialist with ATTS Group on forestry and trees focuses on coniferous trees discolouring/losing needles, and tips to prevent damage over winter.
Poplar and Willow Blotch Leafminers
This fact sheets created by Toso Bozic, a specialist with ATTS Group on forestry and trees focuses on poplar and willow blotch leafminers.
Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. This website is full of information about Ducks Unlimited, frequently asked questions, news, and facts.
Natural Resources Conservation Board
The Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) reviews proposals for projects that affect Alberta’s non-energy natural resources, and regulates Alberta’s confined feeding operations. This website includes information on NRCB guides, forms and legislation.
Professional Vegetation Management Association
The Professional Vegetation Management Association (PVMA), formerly the Industrial Vegetation Management Association of Alberta (IVMAA), provides communication and educational opportunities in the area of vegetation management.
Vermilon River Watershed Alliance - Riparian Eco-Buffers
This blog post by the Vermilion Watershed Alliance takes a look at riparian eco-buffers and why they are important.
Landscape Alberta - Membership Directory
This is a list of landscape contractors across Alberta from the Landscape Alberta Nursery Trades Association.
How to plan ahead for canola yield robbers?
Agronomists and farmers can do some prep now to reduce the risk of canola yield robbers such as:
- Blackleg - The best defences are crop rotation and resistant cultivars. Seed treatment and early-season fungicide can also help, especially if the first two are compromised. If resistance seems to be dropping, consider trying cultivars with resistance to match the races within a field. More on that here.
- Verticillium stripe - Some Manitoba farmers estimate yield loss at 20 per cent or more. Ensure accurate identification and ask seed companies about cultivars with enhanced resistance.
- Sclerotinia stem rot - Well-timed fungicide can manage this disease. Some sclerotinia-tolerant hybrids are available. Bookmark the sclerotinia management tools here.
- Clubroot - Like blackleg, the best defences are crop rotation and resistant cultivars. See the big cultivar traits table here. Use clubroot resistant cultivars proactively. Scout to ensure resistance is working. If resistance is failing, switch to another source of resistance and reach out to your CCC agronomy specialist.
- Environment - Low moisture and heat at flowering are two major environmental factors hurting yield. Adequate sulphur nutrition will make canola somewhat more resilient. 10 tips to improve canola yields in dry conditions
- Nutrient management - Balanced and adequate nutrition can make canola more resilient to various stresses. Soil tests can help set the right rate for macro and micronutrients. If trying any new product, consider strip trials that include untreated checks. How much fertilizer does canola need? Quick tips for on-farm trials