Be Prepared

Fire Prevention & Emergency Preparedness

Be Prepared - Emergency Preparedness (Alberta)

Creating FireSmart Communities Lamont County Emergency Services urges all residents and landowners to be aware of the possible dangers of fire to their homes and properties. The FireSmart program provides a wide variety of information on how to prepare your property and home to be the most resistant to a wildfire. 

All FireSmart videos and publications taken from

FireSmart Begins at Home

This video, developed by the Insurance Bureau of Canada, shows most of the major steps to be taken to make your house more resilient to approaching wildfires. 

FireSmart Around Your Home - This leaflet briefly outlines the steps you can take around your home and yard to protect your home from wildfire.

FireSmart Guide to Landscaping - By making some strategic choices in your yard your can create a FireSmart landscape. The manual includes an extensive list of fire resistant plants and tips from landscaping material.

FireSmart Home Assessment - Assess your risk from wildfire using the FireSmart Home Assessment.

Building a FireSmart Home

FireSmart Home Development Guide - Development standards play a significant role in reducing the potential impact a wildfire will have on a community. A building is more likely to be destroyed in a wildfire when it is located in a high-density area where fire is able to easily transfer from building to building. The potential for damage intensifies when flammable building materials are used. The recommendations in this guide will reduce the risk of wildfire to your home and neighbourhood.
FireSmart Combustible Siding Facts - The FireSmart Combustible Siding Fact Sheet outlines the FireSmart minimum standards in the Home Ignition Zone if combustible siding is used.

Lamont County General Municipal Servicing Standards - These standards are intended to provide specific guidelines to assist the County and Developers in the design, preparation and submission of plans and specifications for construction of municipal improvements and systems that will meet the servicing requirements for commercial, industrial and residential subdivision development within Lamont County.
Emergency Preparedness Emergencies happen, so be prepared! Plan ahead! Below are instructions for creating a 72 hour Emergency Kit, an evacuation checklist, a resource for help creating your own emergency plan, and the link for registration with the Lamont County Emergency Alert.

In the event of an emergency, stay informed! Keep an eye on the Lamont County home page and social media channels (Twitter and Facebook) for updates on the emergency and important instructions on what you should do to stay safe.

Lamont County Emergency Preparedness & Response

Three Steps to Emergency Preparedness - If an emergency happens in your community, it may take emergency workers sometime to get to you. You should be prepared to take care of yourself and your family for a minimum of 72 hours. By taking a few simple steps, you can become better prepared to face a range of emergencies - anytime, anywhere. This brochure will help you to get prepared (taken from

Rural Emergency Plan
-  A new tool created by farmers and those on the front lines of emergency response, the REP is a personalized, easy-to-use tool for rural landowners to prepare for personal and environmental safety emergencies on their farms, ranches or acreages. It's also a way to let emergency responders know critically important information about rural properties so they can respond to emergencies quickly, effectively and safely.

Last Minute Evacuation Checklist - The FireSmart Last-Minute Wildfire Checklist provides you with a list of things to do on your property, before being told to evacuate. Thank you to the Institute for Business and Home Safety for providing content for this checklist.

Lamont County Fire Districts Map - Lamont County is divided into five fire districts, to ensure the quickest response to your location. In the event of a fire or emergency, call 911.  

Sign Up for the Lamont County Emergency Alert - Be informed in the event of an Emergency!  The Lamont County Emergency Alert will provide targeted alerts when an emergency is in your area. You choose how to be alerted - phone, text, email, etc. so sign up today!

Livestock Emergency Preparedness Information Sheets
Lamont County Emergency Services and Agricultural Services Department have worked together to create a Livestock Emergency Plan to ensure the safe management of livestock in the event of an emergency. Based on the Livestock Emergency Plan, the following fact sheets for producers have been prepared:

Shelter in Place

During an emergency you may be advised to shelter in place, as a safety action in case of an outdoor/airborne release of a hazardous substance. Steps to shelter in place include:

  • Bring all people and pets inside
  • Close and lock all outside doors and windows
  • Turn down the furnace
  • Turn off all appliances that use outside air

View a video produced by NR CAER on Sheltering In Place in below:

Get a Kit

Prepare or purchase a first aid kit and show each member of the family where it is located and how to use it.

Have at least one fire extinguisher in your house hold. Don’t forget to get your fire extinguisher inspected at least once a year.

Build a disaster supplies kit that includes enough supplies for each family member for three days. Remember to check your kit every six months.

Make a Plan

Make a family communications plan that includes an evacuation plan and coordinates with your school, work and community communication plans. Practice this plan with your entire family.

Be Informed

  • Know what may happen and how you can help.
  • Learn what disasters or emergencies may occur where you live, work and play and how they can affect you, your family and community.
  • Identify how authorities will notify you and how you will get important information.
  • Take the time to get trained in CPR and basic first aid.

Industry Emergency Response Plan Templates 

All industry should have Emergency Response Plans in place, however we are aware that creating a plan can be a difficult and lengthy process. To aid local industry in their response planning, the following templates are provided:

Mutual Aid Lamont County is a member of Northeast Region Community Awareness Emergency Response (NRCAER), and works with neighboring municipalities and industry for mutual aid resources during an emergency. Visit the NRCAER website for more information and education on community safety and notification methods.