Compliance Certificates

Applying for a Compliance Certificate

Fee Schedule Forms

Compliance certificates are increasingly being called for when real estate is sold. The request for a compliance certificate will either come from you the homeowner, the lawyer who is dealing the sale transaction of home, a realtor who has the listing, or a bank. A compliance certificate is verification that any buildings and/or structures located on your property have met the setback requirements of the Land Use Bylaw. A compliance certificate is not a legislative requirement but rather a service provided by Lamont County.

A request for a Compliance Certificate must include the following:                                    

  • A completed request form as shown in Schedule “A” or a written request by the property owner or the property owner’s representative providing the same information required on the form; and                                                                                                                             
  • The applicant for a Compliance Certificate shall submit:
    • Two (2) original sealed Real Property Reports for the site that has been produced by an Alberta Land Surveyor no more than six (6) months prior to the date of submittal; or
    • A Real Property Report produced more than one (1) year prior, but not more than two (2) years prior, may be accepted by the Development Authority Officer or such other employee as the Development Authority Officer delegates, only if accompanied by a sworn Affidavit stating that no changes to the property have occurred. If there have been any changes, however slight, a new or updated Real Property Report must be provided.

Under no circumstances will a Real Property Report or an updated Real Property Report older than two (2) years be accepted for review. 

The appropriated fee for Compliance Certificates is as per Lamont County’s Fee Schedule.

  • Standard - $180.00
  • Commercial/Industrial - $250.00

The following forms are for use when applying for a compliance certificate. For more information please contact the Planning and Development Department.