Rules to Remember

The following are rules to remember when using County roads:


Lamont County has provided the following information as a resource for our farming community. This information is intended to help the farming community develop an increased understanding of traffic laws in Alberta. It is up to each individual to follow the rules and regulations set out by all current legislation including the Traffic Safety Act of Alberta, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Regulation of Alberta and the Commercial Vehicle Dimension & Weight Regulation of Alberta.

Please refer to the latest versions of the Traffic Safety Act of Alberta and all associated regulations for the most current and detailed traffic laws and requirements. Additional resources are available at or by calling the Alberta Transportation Central Permitting Office at 1-800-662-7138.

ATV Use Prohibited on Public Land During Fire Bans

Individuals operating an OHV (as described below) not on private lands found contravening a fire ban may be subject to a fine of $287.00, operating an OHV where prohibited $575.00, or could be held liable for all cost associated with fighting a wildfire.

The OHV restriction does not apply to private land or agriculture, institutional (educational), commercial/ industrial, emergency response or Indigenous peoples who use OHV for traditional use

To view a map of the Fire Ban/OHV Restriction visit

If you spot a wildfire, call 310-FIRE!

Obtain Landowner Permission

Summer or winter, you are required to obtain permission to ride on/across landowner’s property. Sometimes this seems like a small or minor issue, however, to the affected landowner it is cause for concern. A number of complaints have been received by this office from landowner’s who are continually having person(s) trespass onto their property. The theme is similar in all these occurrences, “If they would just ask permission I would say yes”.

The safety aspect of the riders is one of grave concern, a fence line may have been upgraded/repaired and the operator of the OHV may become extremely injured or worse and along with the potential to damage to the landowner’s property. Communicating with the landowner not only provides knowledge of potential danger areas but also allows the opportunity for future dialogue for continued enjoyment . Helmets are mandatory in Alberta as of May 2017 (S. 128.1 Traffic Safety Act). 

Production of Documents 124

In addition to seeking/gaining approval to enter onto the landowner’s property, operators of the OHV’s are required to be able to produce upon demand of a Peace Officer the following:

1. On the request of a peace officer, a person driving an off-highway vehicle shall produce to the peace officer for inspection the following documents as requested by the peace officer:

(a) the person’s subsisting operator’s license if the vehicle is being operated on a highway;
(b) the subsisting certificate of registration issued in respect of that vehicle;
(c) the subsisting financial responsibility card issued in respect of that vehicle.

License plates

3. The owner of an off-highway vehicle must attach the license plate issued under subsection (1) securely to the front or rear of the off-highway vehicle so that the license plate is clearly visible.

Part 6 Off-highway Vehicles Definitions 117

In this Part, (a) “off-highway vehicle” means any motorized mode of transportation built for cross-country travel on land, water, snow, ice or marsh or swamp land or on other natural terrain and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes, when specifically designed for such travel,

(i) 4-wheel drive vehicles,
(ii) low pressure tire vehicles,
(iii) motorcycles and related 2-wheel vehicles,
(iv) amphibious machines,
(v) all-terrain vehicles,
(vi) miniature motor vehicles,
(vii) snow vehicles,
(viii) minibikes, and
(ix) any other means of transportation that is propelled by any power other than muscular power or wind, but does not include
(x) motor boats, or
(xi) any other vehicle exempted from being an off-highway vehicle by regulation;

(b) “vehicle” means a device in, on or by which a person or thing may be transported or drawn and includes a combination of vehicles but does not include a mobility aid.

Fines for failing to adhere to the requirements are as follows:

Operate Unregistered OHV - $155.00
Operate Uninsured OHV - $310.00
Failure to produce DL/Reg/Ins - $233.00
Operate without approved helmet - $155.00
Trespass - $287.00

Safety/enjoyment and respect is the end goal. Remember ask permission first.
FARM VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT ON ROADS As per the Traffic Safety Act and associated regulations, a vehicle used for farming operations is considered a commercial vehicle and must abide by legislation for commercial vehicles. This means that farm vehicles over a certain height, weight and width may require a permit when transporting cargo and all cargo must be properly secured.

Vehicles with farm plates are still considered to be commercial vehicles and must abide by legislation for commercial vehicles.

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*This initiative has been brought to Mundare and Bruderheim to raise awareness in partnership with the participating Towns and Elk Island Traffic Safety Partners.

Elk Island Traffic Safety Partners has teamed up with Mothers Against Drunk Driving (madd) Parkland Chapter to launch the crashed quad initiative—an impaired driving campaign focusing on All Terrain Vehicles (ATV).

The Canadian Quad Council recommends that all ATV drivers ride sober. In at least 51% of ATV-related fatalities from 2013 to 2019, the driver had reportedly consumed alcohol, cannabis or other drugs.

In 2019, Alberta Transportation Collision statistics report 6 fatal collisions and 40 injury collisions occurred with Off Highway Vehicles.

ATV’s are a motor vehicle that need all your skills and reflexes; don’t ride while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Tips for a safe ride:

  • Wear all the gear, all the time. Always wear a compliant helmet and safety gear including goggles, long-sleeve shirt, long pants, over-the-ankle boots, and gloves.
  • Headlights On. Ride with your headlights on at all times.
  • Ride on designated trails. ATVs/Quads are designed to be operated off-highway and at a safe speed for the conditions.
  • A single-rider ATV/Quad is meant for one person. Never carry a passenger on a single-rider ATV/Quad, and no more passengers than the vehicle is manufactured to accommodate.
  • Size matters. ATVs/Quads are not “one-size-fits-all”. Ensure you, and your fellow riders, are operating an ATV/Quad that is appropriate for your age, weight, and riding ability.
  • Supervise young riders. ATVs/Quads are not toys. In provinces where riders younger than 16 can legally ride, they need to be directly supervised at all times by a responsible adult when they are riding.
  • Riding alone. It is recommended that you do not ride alone. However, if you do, be sure to tell someone where you are going and when you expect to return.
  • Get ATV training. Learn how to properly ride your ATV/Quad so you can be safe on the trails.

Impaired driving is 100% preventable. So are the crashes and the tragic deaths and injuries it causes. DON’T RIDE IMPAIRED.

Classes of vehicles in Alberta:

Alberta recognises two classes of vehicles:

  1. Private Passenger
  2. Commercial

Note: a vehicle used for farming operations is a Class 2 Commercial Vehicle.

What is a commercial vehicle?

A commercial vehicle is a vehicle operated on a highway (including county roads) by or on behalf of a person for the purpose of providing transportation.

If a vehicle is used for any type of business, it’s considered a commercial vehicle. Farming has always been a commercial enterprise; therefore, the commercial legislation for weights and dimensions has always applied. This means that farm vehicles over a certain height, weight and width may require a permit when transporting cargo.

Farm Plates
If your vehicle has farm plates, it is still considered to be a commercial vehicle.

Farm plates are used for registration purposes and to distinguish farmers from other industries when purchasing/possessing marked fuel. They do not carry with them any other value or exception related to height, width, weights, permits or securing loads.

Properly secured loads
All commercial vehicles must have properly secured cargo. Even if a vehicle has farm plates, the load must still be secured during transport to ensure it won’t leak, spill, blow off, fall from, fall through or otherwise be dislodged from the commercial vehicle or shift upon or within the vehicle to such an extent that the commercial vehicle’s stability is adversely affected. If the load is not properly secured, the driver may face a $776 fine.

Securing and hauling hay/straw
In instances such as these, you will not require a permit, BUT the load must still be properly secured and not overweight. If the load is not properly secured, you will face a $776 fine. If the cargo is not fully contained within the vehicle, it must still be properly secured using a system (i.e. tie straps) that provides a downward force equal to at least 20 per cent of the weight of the cargo.

Cargo Securement Requirements CVSR AR 121/2009

17 (4) A driver, a carrier or an owner of a commercial vehicle shall ensure that cargo transported by a commercial vehicle is contained, immobilized or secured, so that it cannot:

(a) Leak, spill, blow off, fall from, fall through or otherwise be dislodged from the commercial vehicle;
(b) Shift upon or within the commercial vehicle to such an extent that the commercial vehicles stability or maneuverability is adversely affected.
Cargo– means all articles or material carried by a vehicle, including those used in the operation of the vehicle.

Permits are required for the following reasons:

1. To ensure the safety of other road users
2. To ensure there is proper ability to maneuver the commercial vehicle(s) at intersections and farm entrances.

Did you know that farmers aren’t charged permit fees?
Even though farmers are not charged permit fees, permits are still required according to law.

How to obtain a free permit:

If you need a permit for a Lamont County road, please call RoaData Services at 1-888-444-9288 .
For more information or to obtain a permit for a provincial road, please call the Alberta Transportation Central Permitting Office at 1-800-662-7138. Permit staff will provide assistance with applications.

Height, width and length requirements

Dimensions If the farm equipment/commercial vehicle and its load exceed any or all of the following dimensions, you will need a permit: There is an amendment forthcoming, to reflect the increase to both Height and Length therefore, the interim solution is the free permit to remain in compliance.

• 2.6 metres in width (8.5 feet)
• 4.15 metres in height (13.6 feet) increased to 5.0 metres in length (16.4 feet)
• 23 metres in length (75 feet) increased to 30.5 metres in length (100 feet)
• Farm equipment will continue to be exempted from width.

With the harvest season finally arriving in Lamont County and the rush to beat the weather please remember to be courteous to other drivers on the roadway. The large farm equipment being operated on the Provincial/County roads pose a hazard to the unexpecting commuter, who is unfamiliar with the size of equipment along with the slower speeds may miss judge the distance resulting in damage and/or injury.

A few ideas to minimize the risks are:

• Remove headers and transport;
• Use pilot vehicles in-front and rear;
• Ensure flags/flashing lights are at the widest point of the equipment to judge size; and
• Try to stay to less traveled roads.

When operating equipment on the roads the following is required to be in your possession.

Some fines that may be issued according to the Traffic Safety Act (RSA 2000-cT-6):

  • 52(1)(a) – Operate MV/Trailer without subsisting Certificate of Registration - $310.00
  • 54(1)(a) – Drive uninsured MV on Highway – Court Appearance Required
  • 54(1)(b) – Have uninsured MV on Highway – Court Appearance Required
  • 167(1)(a) – Failure to provide PO without operator’s licence - $233.00
  • 167(1)(b) – Failure to provide PO with Certificate of Registration - $233.00
  • 167(1)© - Failure to provide PO with Financial Responsibility Card (insurance) - $233.00
  • Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulations(AR 304/2002)2(1)(c)-Slow driving/impede/block traffic - $155.00

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Those who do not stop when lights are flashing, are subject to fines of $567 and six demerit points. Hot spot locations are listed in this map. 

  • Speed limits on gravel roads are 80 km/hour, unless otherwise posted.
  • Speed limits in School Zones are 30 km/hour from 8:00 - 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., and 3:00 – 4:30 p.m., unless otherwise posted.
  • Speed limits in Play Ground Zones are 30 km/hour from 8:30 a.m. to one hour after sunset

Stopping at Stop Signs There has been an increase in the number of people neglecting to stop at stop signs in rural areas. The Lamont County Peace Officer is reminding residents to come to a complete stop at all stop signs!

Tickets will be issued to violators. The penalty for not stopping at a stop sign is $388 and 3 demerits. 

Waste Disposal/Illegal Dumping Bylaw (744.14) and Policy for Waste Disposal states that dumping of waste of any kind on County roads or right-of-ways is punishable with a fine of $500 for the first offense, plus the cost of cleanup.

Waste includes, but it not limited to, appliances, tires, construction materials, animal carcasses, household, and agricultural waste.

Please follow proper disposal techniques. If you witness someone dumping in County ditches call the Lamont County Peace Officer at 780-895-2233 ext. 240.