Lamont County Cares


This page includes a listing of supports available to residents of Lamont County and the surrounding region. As part of this campaign, Lamont County Council has committed to providing a quick-reference fridge magnet for all rural residents to assist in times of crisis. In emergency, there is 9-1-1 and the suicide line 9-8-8.

Each day during February, we will highlight supports available across Lamont County to residents. Additional reminders will be posted throughout the year to aid those who may be in need of these supports. We are proud to partner with these organizations to ensure residents can access what they need.

Below are a copy of the news release posted to outline this campaign, the message provided by Council (from Reeve Diduck) and a digital copy of the magnet sent to rural residents in 2024.

A resource page is also listed below of the Lamont County social media posts from this campaign. 

Farmers and producers can also access the AgKnow network for programs and support. See

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A message from Lamont County Council

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News Release - Introducing #LamontCountyCares

Agricultural Resources

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA): Rural Distress Line: 1-800-232-7288 (Northern Alberta) and

Farmer Mental Health: AgKnow:

AgKnow also has this video: "How Are You, Really?"-

Champion for farmer's mental health (Lesley Kelley): Press - High Heels And Canola Fields.

February 1
- If you are struggling, there is help

February 2
- Addiction and Mental Health supports (AHS)

- Mental Health Info

February 3
- How Do We Chill 
February 4
- Seniors, are you feeling sad or lonely? 
February 5
- Social-based Supports
Alberta Supports

February 6
- Wellness Myths and Facts 

- Elder Mental Health & Wellness Resources

February 7
- Addictions Treatment Veg Al-Drug Society 

February 8
- Preventing Seniors' Abuse Resources 

- Seniors' Centre Without Walls

February 9
Stress & Farming - Coping Tips 
February 10
- Wellness Myths and Facts  

February 11
- Free Counselling Therapy Services
* English PDF
* Ukrainian PDF

February 12
- Youth Addiction and Mental Health -  
February 13 
Kalyna Family Resource Network - Lamont County Region
February 14
Alberta Indigenous Virtual Care Clinic
- Wellness Myths and Facts
February 15 
- Rapid Access Counselling (1)
- Rapid Access Counselling (2)
February 16 
- Wellness Myths and Facts
February 17 
- Addictions and Mental Health Support (AHS)
February 18 
If you are struggling, there is help
February 19 
Alcohol and Aging - Rethink how you Drink
February 20 
Wellness Myths and Facts  
February 21 
Social-based Supports
Alberta Supports
February 22 
Farmer Supports and Facts on Suicide
Wellness Myths and Facts  
February 23 
- Grace in Progress (self-care)
February 24 
- Cannabis & Older Adults: A Candid Conversation
February 25 
Addiction and Mental Health Support
February 26 
Wellness Myths and Facts  
February 27 
If you are struggling, there is help
February 28 
- Stress & Farming - Coping Tips
February 29 
Wellness Myths and Facts  

Additional reminders are posted on Lamont County social media (monthly) that assistance is available.

Also see Lamont County Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) pages for these resources as they are posted).