Business Directory

Business Directory Signup

Businesses in Lamont County have an opportunity to be listed in Lamont County Business Directory (on the Lamont County and Lamont County Now websites).

Business description and contact information may be published by Lamont County unless the business owner/operator notifies Lamont County Economic Development department otherwise in writing.

Being part of the Business Directory is a free service; however, businesses may want to have a current business licence ( for business purposes.

Your contact information (for Economic Development to communicate with you if needed).

Choose File No file chosen
The maximum total size of all files in a single form submission is 1 GB.

If you have not renewed your Lamont County business licence for the current year, visit: Note: a business licence is voluntary.

Personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and may only be used for the purpose it was intended (to be included as part of the Business Directory). If you have any questions about collection and use of this information, contact Lamont County Legislative Services at 5303 50 Ave., Lamont, Alberta, T0B 2R0, (780) 895-2233.

FOIP Acknowledgement

Personal information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and may only be used for the purpose it was intended. If you have any questions about collection and use of this information, contact Lamont County Legislative Services at 5303 50 Ave., Lamont, Alberta, T0B 2R0, (780) 895-2233.