Road Construction

Road Construction

Lamont County considers road rehabilitation and construction to be an important part of our growth. We attempt to build as many miles in a year that the weather conditions will allow. We build approximately 6 miles of road and 4 shoulder pulls per year. The 5- year plan is updated yearly to meet the priorities and budget requirements.

Please be patient and slow down through County construction zones.

Approaches are located within the road right of way and are under the direction, control and management of Lamont County. Therefore the County retains full discretion over the installation and/or removal of approaches. All new approaches must meet the approved standards. If the property owner wishes to build an approach or have Lamont County build an approach, fill out the approach form and submit to Public Works for approval. Costs are associated with the building of the second approach per parcel.

For additional information view Policy #5106.

Oil companies must make a formal request in writing outlining the placement of the driveway.


Currently roads are re-graveled on an approximate 5-year rotation basis with 225 – 250 miles re-graveled each year. Roads are also graveled on an as needed basis. The County owns its own trucks and completes the entire road graveling program in house.

To minimize damage to the gravel roads in the summer Lamont County has stockpiled gravel at each grader shop site as required. The County utilizes private contractors for the gravel haul to each stock pile. For additional information view Policy #5120.

Lamont County contracts its crushing requirements annually. The County crushes approximately 80,000 – 100,000 tonnes per year. If you are interested in contracting your crushing service with Lamont County please contact our office at 780-895-2547 for more information.

Lamont County does all of its own gravel pit stripping and reclamation work. This work is usually carried out at the end of the year before freeze up.


Road flooding concerns can be directed to the Director of Public Works at 780-895-2547.