Lamont County recognises the valuable contributions made by community organizations and volunteer groups to improve the health, well-being and social development of the community and the quality of life for its residents. In recognition of these contributions, the County is committed to aiding such organizations through a predetermined allocation of money budgeted each year.

Lamont County Grants Application Form

Please note: Application for 2024 is now complete (June 1 submission deadline).

All grant applicants are required to file a Grant Application Form before June 1 annually.

  • The applicant shall retain a complete copy of the grant application for their records.
  • The applicant shall ensure that any attachments provided are clearly marked with the organization's legal name to facilitate matching their backup documents with the application.
  • Application Requirements:
    1. Name of Organization;
    2. Full legal name of the ‘organization as registered under Corporate Registries or the Societies Act;
    3. Mailing Address of Organization;
    4. Contact Name(s);
    5. Contact Telephone Number(s);
    6. Email address;
    7. Purpose of the Organization;
    8. Purpose of the Application;
    9. Past Financial Statements:
      • a current approved copy of your most recent financial statements; and
      • List other funding sources applied.

Final Reporting:

  • Within one (1) year of the completion of the grant expenditure, a report must be filed with Lamont County verifying expenditure of the grant. This report should include:
    1. Name of the organization.
    2. A summary of actual expenditures of grant funds compared to submitted budget.
    3. A short-written description of activities, number of participants, successes etc.

Failure to provide final report requirements will require repayment of funds to Lamont County three months after award anniversary date (or 15 months following award).

  • Failure to repay, the group/organization will be ineligible for any further grant

Hall and Transportation Grants:

  • Community halls within Lamont County are eligible for an annual $2,000 grant upon application.
  • All organizations that provide transportation to seniors or persons with special needs for medical appointments, shopping, and/or recreation are eligible for an annual grant of upon application.

Council Community Grants Policy 3112.22

3112.22 Council Community Grants