Coffee with a Councillor is an opportunity for the public to meet their elected officials in an informal session over coffee (or tea! or water! etc.) at different locations throughout Lamont County. These are informal sessions in locations with small capacity. Councillors, the Reeve/Deputy Reeve and when relevant, Administration leadership are there to answer your inquiries. Drop in with your questions, feedback or ideas, Councillors look forward to connecting with residents and staying connected. Council wants to hear your voice, concerns, praises and suggestions. Stay informed!
Coffee with Councillor is held monthly in each Division across Lamont County. The dates and schedule are subject to change.
2024-25 Upcoming Coffee with a Councillor dates and locations:
(Typically, Coffee Talks take a pause during July/August, during harvest and December.)
- Send a letter or email (or phone call) -;
- Appear at a Council Meeting as a Delegation (Delegation Requests:;
- In person at any external or speaking events (depending on availability);
- Complete the annual engagement survey;
- Request a member of Council attend your special event (;
- Submit content for a Public Hearing (when designated):
- Public hearings are formal proceedings that follow rules set out by provincial and municipal legislation. The date and time of a public hearing is set by Council motion and advertised prior as per Lamont County's Public Advertising Bylaw on the Public Tenders, Hearings, Contracts, Permits and Bids page, social media and inFocus.
- Commonly Asked Questions and Clarification page.