Aaron Wick

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Division 2: Aaron Wick, Councillor

Aaron Wick was elected to council for his first term in 2021 and has lived in Lamont County for nearly 40 years. Councillor Wick currently lives with his wife and three children on the same small farm that he grew up on and purchased his farm from his parents 18 years ago. Councillor Wick has worked as a welder and small business operator for 17 years. He enjoys the outdoors, working with his animals, as well as, hunting and fishing. Councillor Wick was president of the Lamont Agricultural Society and a volunteer on the Chipman Fire Department.

In addition to his council duties, Councillor Wick is a member of the Agricultural Service Board, a member of the Emergency Management Advisory Committee, an alternate for the Lamont County Community Adult Learning Council, a member of the Municipal Planning Commission, a member of the Beaver Hills Biosphere Initiative, an alternate for the John S. Batiuk Regional Water Commission, an alternate for the Senior Citizens Foundation, an alternate for the Alberta Industrial Heartland Association, and a member of Go East.

Contact Information
Phone: 780-916-4727
Email: aaron.w@lamontcounty.ca